Sunday 11 December 2011


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Further to my fairly recent posts about the SILVER SURFER, I thought I'd throw these three covers into the mix - just because I like them.  The first is FANTASY MASTERPIECES #1 from 1979, which reprinted 'ol NORRIN's premiere issue from the '60s.  Unfortunately, the stories in this series were abridged, with several pages being edited out for reasons of space.  How ironic, eh?  Denied space in the heavens - and the comicbooks. 

Next up is the 1982 one-shot by JOHN BYRNE, inked by terrific TOM PALMER.  It was an interesting issue, but not quite up there with the better issues by STAN LEE and JOHN BUSCEMA.  (Despite being scripted by Stan over a John Byrne plot.)  I bought two copies of this comic from the VIRGIN MEGASTORE in Glasgow back in '82, and remember perusing one of them on the train home.  Nearly thirty years later, I still have them - in just as good a condition as when I first bought them.

Finally, one of the issues of the Silver Surfer's then-new, ongoing series launched in '87, this particular example being from '89.  RON FRENZ, doing a composite of Kirby/Buscema images as only he can.  Although it can sometimes be jarring to see a mixture of two different art styles, there was something very 'sixties' about Ron's covers which always appealed to me.


If I have one complaint about the Surfer, it's that he never looked silver enough. When Stan had characters refer to him as "Whitey", it never seemed as odd as it should have on account of him looking white.  I'm sure, even back in the '60s, there must have been a way of suggesting a more silvery appearance.  Anybody else feel the same?  Anyway, enjoy the above covers.

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