Thursday 29 December 2011


About ten days back, I decided to do something new (as far as I know) in the world of blogging - hold a comics competition, with a superb collectors' item book about DENNIS The MENACE as the prize.  All that was required was answering five easy questions, the winner to be picked from amongst the correct respondents.

Going by the stat counter, the post got a fair amount of interest - but no one actually ventured to answer the questions.  I have to ask - why?  This was a genuine offer - the book really would have been despatched - at my own expense - to the winner.  Surely the questions weren't too difficult for anyone who knows anything about British comics?

Anyway, the closing date was yesterday (28th), so I'll save the pristine condition, unopened, unread book from 2001 for another time.  That should give you all a chance to do a bit of swotting up on the subject in the meanwhile.  (Am I good to you, or what?) 


  1. hell, I would've entered, but, you know, I'm not a civilian. . .

  2. I thought it only fair to exclude collectors with their own blogs on the subject, Joe, as if one had won, there would've been cries of "fix", etc.

    Also, a lot of 'professional enthusiasts' with their own blogs will doubtless already have the book, and I didn't want someone winning it just so they could sell it on ebay. (Not saying YOU would have done that of course.)

    That's why I thought it best just to let 'ordinary' (you know what I mean) people enter.

  3. I only read your Blog for your spiteful and bitchy comments about people who are more successful than you? Am I unique in that?

  4. No doubt they are also more successful than you - does that prevent you having an opinion?

    Anyway, I only published your comment so that people can have fun guessing what kind of embittered saddo would go to all the bother of creating an anonymous blog just to leave a comment on someone else's site.

    To say nothing of what kind of dipstick would finish a statement with a question mark - and leave their comment in the wrong post. Hope the glow you get from seeing your feeble alias's name in print makes up for all your inadequacies.

    Know what? I doubt it.

  5. Talking of Zing, Joe - there used to be a soft drink by that name many years ago, which was one of my favourites. It was a bottled drink which came in a variety of flavours. Then it disappeared. I was surprised to see it in the mid-'80s in a roadside cafe being served from a drinks dispenser on the counter, 'though only in orange flavour.

    That was the last time I saw it. Does anybody know if it's still out there.


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