Sunday 18 December 2011


Copyright relevant owner

Not too long ago, I parted with a pile of old comics (TV EXPRESS WEEKLY) that were gathering dust in a wardrobe.  They were originally  IPC file copies which had been given to me a quarter of a century ago, but apart from some superb RON EMBLETON colour covers, the only other pages that appealed to me were some lovely HANNA BARBERA strips such as YOGI BEAR and his friends.  I scanned the covers and the HB strips before passing them on, so I'm able to offer you a little treat here by sharing with you some of the earliest, U.K. produced HB TV tie-in strips from 1960.  I didn't bother noting which strips go with which covers or mastheads so it's a bit 'pot-luck', but here's the first of some lovely Festive frivolities to feast your peepers on.

And don't forget to check out YOWP's great blog on all things HANNA-BARBERA here - it's not to be missed.

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