Tuesday 20 December 2011


Copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

And here's the final part of our DENNIS The MENACE 'Christmas' cover gallery. As mentioned previously, out of 39 books over a period of 55 years (1955-2110), only the five that I've featured in this and two previous posts have had anything resembling a Festive-themed cover - and any hint of such has been entirely due to the use of a 'snowy' scene in which Dennis got up to his usual mischief.  (Though, as can be seen on the back cover below, it wasn't snow in this instance but ice cream.)

No sign of baubles, choir singers, Christmas cards or Santas - or any other traditional images associated with the Season were utilised in suggesting the time of year.  Who knows, but if the Dennis books ever reappear in the future, perhaps Santa may show up yet.  And if he does, no doubt Dennis will be pulling his beard or stealing his reindeer for a ride 'round the block.  Now wouldn't that be something?

The above two painted illustrations would make a great Christmas card.  Are you listening, DCT?

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