Saturday 24 December 2011


Although it will probably be possible to pick up the 2012 BEANO and DANDY Annuals for around £1.99 each after Christmas as shops try to offload leftover stock, if you're still looking to put a little something extra into wee Jimmy's stocking before the 25th, then get yourself down to SAINSBURY'S today (Christmas Eve) while there's still time.  Why?  Because they're currently selling their Annuals for a mere £3 each, which is a pretty decent bargain - both of them for £6.

 Remember, you read it here first. 


  1. One of these days I need to get into collecting these mags. Hard to do so being an American and all.

  2. You could probably get a subscription, Chris. Although I imagine it'd be pricey.

  3. It would.

    I noticed Bananaman on the Dandy cover here. They use to play the animated cartoons of that over here on Nickelodeon back in the 80's. I recall doing silly Bananaman lines during school lunches.


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