Saturday 31 December 2011


Hard as it may be for many of you to believe, this particular Scotsman is and always has been a complete teetotaller - never touched a drop of alcohol in my life, nosirree.  So I won't be part of the drunken revels that'll no doubt be taking place all across the country (and the world) later on tonight.

I'll be tucked-up in bed well before the Bells, with my cocoa and an Annual (I'll put on my slippers and walk SALMA to the bus stop first, of course - after all, I know how to treat a lady), before settling down, hopefully, to a peaceful slumber, undisturbed by any Bacchanalian orgies occurring in my neck of the woods.

So, to all those deserving of it - have a happy and prosperous new year.  See you in 2012.


  1. Lang may yer lum reek - McScotty

  2. I wrote the exact same thing in a Christmas card to a former editor back in December. He had once asked me what it meant after reading it in an Alan Grant/John Wagner story.

    And long may YOUR chimney smoke, too.

  3. And a happy new year to you Kid.

  4. And reciprocal greetings to you, Chris.

  5. With regard to your teetotalism,- your hard-earned has been MUCH more wisely spent! You might not have all your treasures had you pissed your money down the toilet.

  6. If only I had been smart enough to hang on to my original treasures, I wouldn't have had to spend so much in replacing them.


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