Thursday 17 November 2011


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Here are four more covers from the ODHAMS PRESS publication of the 1960s, the titanically-titled TERRIFIC, plus the back-page pin- ups too.  Lasting only 43 issues before being merged with its POWER PACK stable-mate FANTASTIC, it nevertheless retains its place in the fond memories of dreary old farts like myself. 

More to come in future posts. 


  1. That's amazing. The first cover- "Uneasy"- is the earliest issue of Terrific I remember seeing. I checked and found it was contemporaneous with "Evil of the Daleks", my earliest memory of Patrick Troughton in Dr. Who. I would have been almost four years old- younger than my nephew is now!

  2. Funnily enough, the first issue I ever bought of Terrific's sister title, Fantastic, was also #7, although I had seen issue #3 in a newsagents in Glasgow. Didn't buy it because I needed my Sue Storm fix from Wham! every week.


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