Wednesday 30 November 2011


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

And here we go with the last batch of the original 18 issue run of '60s SILVER SURFER comic covers.  The first five are (I think) by Jaunty JOHN BUSCEMA (though, truth to tell, I have my doubts about #17), and the final one is by Happy HERB TRIMPE, the interior art being by Jolly JACK KIRBY.  Unfortunately, although critically well-received (and fondly remembered), sales were not as expected on the series and issue #18 proved to be the last.

Plans had been afoot to change the direction of the series, making the Surfer much more angry at the injustices meted out to him by the human race and reacting accordingly, but they never materialised.  The Surfer went on to become a founding member of the 'non-team' The DEFENDERS in the '70s, and starred in a one-shot SS issue by JOHN BYRNE in 1982, before being resurrected in his own ongoing title in 1987.  He has also appeared in various graphic novels and limited series over the years, ensuring that we're not bound to forget the star-spanning surfer of the spaceways anytime soon.

He was never better though, than in his original '60s run, so enjoy these cataclysmic covers from when comics were far more entertaining and much better value for money than they are now.  A complete story in a comic (even with continuing sub-plots), as opposed to being spread across seemingly countless issues and different titles where nothing much happens and there are too many 'talking head' shots?  Methinks the comic creators of yesteryear were onto something.



  1. 13 and 16 are Big John.

    14 is John Romita

    15 is Marie Severin

    17, not sure but my best guess is Dick Ayers

    18 is Herb

  2. I assumed that Romita had merely inked #14 - his style is certainly evident. As for #15, the Torch figure looks very Steranko-ish, but the Surfer looks like either Buscema or Severin (on inks perhaps?). Severin often did touch-ups, which may account for her influence if she didn't actually pencil it.

    Are your choices educated guesses, or based on more concrete information?

  3. The more I look at #17, especially the background figures, I think I see a hint of Trimpe - perhaps inked by Sal Buscema.

  4. my mate reckons it's Barry Windsor-Smith. and he knows everything.

  5. H' that you mention it...

  6. I was about to say #17 looks like a combination of Herb Trimpe and Marie Severin but, having seen Joe's mate's claim, I concur that it's probably Barry Smith.


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