Monday 24 October 2011


Images copyright DC COMICS

Every now and again, I'll see a lively discussion on the merits of VINCE COLLETTA's inking and the reasons why JACK KIRBY's SUPERMAN heads were usually inked by MURPHY ANDERSON.  To me it's always seemed obvious that at least one of the reasons was that Jack couldn't render ol' Supes' kiss-curl very well, often making his hair look like a comb-over to hide a receding hairline.  (Or an ill-fitting toupee.)

Don't believe me?  Take a look at the stat of the pencilled pic below and judge for yourselves.  The words 'ARTHUR SCARGILL' spring to mind.  (Or even 'ISAIAH' - 'cos one 'eye's higher' than the other.  Boom-boom!)


  1. The Jack Kirby Collector featured a bunch of before and after pencil shots. With Kirby inked by all kinds of artists, from Colletta to Romita with mixed results I think.

  2. I must keep an eye out for it next time I'm browsing through my back issues of JKC. Thanks Don.

  3. Fascinating, never seen a Before pic like this. Suddenly I feel kinder towards the DC editors of the time.


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