Tuesday 11 October 2011


I have an interesting (if annoying) capacity to see significance in the most trivial of things.  For example, on my seventh birthday, we moved into a house numbered seventy-seven, in which I had seven birthdays and seven Christmases.  When I started my new school across the road, the first classroom I was in was room seven, and when we moved from that house years later, it was on the seventh month of the seventh year on the fourteenth (two sevens, same as the house number) day.

Something else that has a surreal significance to me is that, many years later, I bought the actual number plate of my old house from the then-current tenant, which has been on the door of my study for what is now well into the twenty-first (three sevens) year.  But that's not so much what impresses me.  What does is the fact that I've now passed that aged number plate many more times since it's been on my study door than I ever did when it adorned the house I once lived in so long ago.

I don't know why, but - to me - that just seems strangely significant.

1 comment:

  1. No comments? What's wrong with you guys? I spent seconds on this post - surely it deserves recognition?


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