Friday 28 October 2011


Every so often you read a story in the newspaper that reaffirms your faith in human nature.  Then, however, there's the other kind.  This is one of those.

Ginger's owner leads her away from his car before driving off.
First photo, Ginger looking happy yesterday

By Sara Dixon

'This is the moment before a faithful dog was dumped by her heartless owner and left to fend for herself in an act of cruelty condemned as "despicable" by an animal charity.

The pet was led into a thin strip of woodland bordering a busy road where she was abandoned to her fate.

But she was so desperate to stay with her cruel owner that, even though she was lame, she tried to run after his car as he sped away.

At first it appeared he was merely taking her for a walk.  But seconds later he was captured on CCTV racing back to his vehicle.  It is thought there were three others in the car.

The dog desperately tried to catch up with him despite only being able to limp because her claws had been left to grow into her paw pads.

When the Shetland terrier cross, now nicknamed Ginger, realised she had been left she sat in one spot and refused to budge until rescuers gently coaxed her inside their office.

Luckily for Ginger the entire incident was witnessed by shocked workers in the office overlooking the car park in Granby Industrial Estate in Weymouth, Dorset.

Steve Sudworth and his colleague at BMT Defence Services, Mike Jolliffe, rushed to rescue the abandoned animal as the owner drove off in a metallic-blue Kia Rio.

Despite her ordeal and distress, the good-natured dog quickly made friends with her rescuers.

Mr Sudworth, 49, an engineer at the firm, said:  "I saw the man walking very fast back to the car and he jumped in.  I thought he was going to shout to the dog, but he just drove off fast.  He looked really unrepentant.  The dog was trying to follow but couldn't because of the limp.  I would have run up the road after them but they were gone too fast.  It's shocking."

Mr Jolliffe, a designer, made the dog a makeshift collar out of his belt.

Ginger, who was abandoned last Thursday lunchtime, was taken to a vet so her painful paws could be tended.

Mr Jolliffe said:  "She was a lovely little girl and she made so many friends here very quickly."

Animal charity Dogs Trust condemned Ginger's abandonment as "inexcusable".

Chief Executive Clarissa Baldwin said:  "There is absolutely no excuse for abandoning a dog to fend for itself in this despicable way.  Sadly cases of animals being dumped in this fashion
are all too common.  We would urge people always to seek help from animal rehoming charities."

Ginger is being cared for by dog wardens at the Weymouth and Portland Borough Council kennels while they look for a new home for her.  Officials are hunting Ginger's heartless
owner from the CCTV footage.

Chris Robertson, the council's assistant dog warden, said: "The footage speaks for itself and it is appalling."

Her owner is described as white, between 5ft 10in and 6ft tall and wearing blue jeans and a brown sweater.

Mr Robertson said the council was considering prosecuting the owner under the Animal Welfare Act 2006.'  

From THE DAILY EXPRESS, Tuesday, September 21, 2110.


We can only hope that they find him and someone kicks the absolute living sh*t out of him.  In a tender, loving, caring way of course.


Ginger with walker Vicky Crow

UPDATE:  The response to Ginger's predicament was overwhelming, and I'm glad to say that she has now been re-homed with a more suitable owner who will give her all the love and attention she deserves.  Two people are being prosecuted for abandoning her.

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