Thursday 20 October 2011



Oh, you lucky people.  Scanned from my own personal copy of DAREDEVIL #1 is the first part of the origin of ol' Hornhead himself.  Drawn by BILL EVERETT with an alleged assistance from STEVE DITKO, the figure on the cover and splash page is clearly by JACK KIRBY, which makes me wonder if JK designed the hero's costume.  If anyone has any information or thoughts on the matter, feel free to comment.

This origin tale is available in the new MARVEL FIRSTS: THE 1960s volume, and also the softcover edition of MARVEL MASTERWORKS: DAREDEVIL Vol. 1. No true believer should be without each handsome tome so if you don't have them already, put them at the top of your Christmas list right away.

Look out for Part Two - NEXT!

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