Saturday 1 October 2011



When I was a regular contributor to 2000 A.D., lettering such strips as STRONTIUM DOG, ROGUE TROOPER, and a whole host of other strips from time to time, ALAN McKENZIE (the best deputy editor the comic ever had) often asked me to design and letter various special logos for story titles and upcoming new series.

On view are three suggestions for a series featuring Scottish Strontium dog, MIDDENFACE McNULTY.  I forget which of them was eventually chosen, but each one was completely hand-lettered by myself.  Anyone lettering comics using computer fonts today who can't also do it by hand (if required) isn't a real lettering artist in my view - they're only typists.


  1. Great hand lettering, its takes real skill producing hand drawn letters.I remember at Art college having Typography lessons and importance of working with type and understanding how they work.Real craftsmanship in these producing these logos.

  2. Great work Kid - often an underestimated skill, but respect and thumbs up from me!

  3. To me, it's just an extension of my art. If I can draw an object, why shouldn't I be able to 'draw' a letter (which is just another object)? Easy-peasy. Thanks for the kind comments.


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