Sunday 11 September 2011


Terry Hooper & his Mum

Aren't computers wonderful?  (Okay, I'll admit I was a bit of a late convert to the idea.)  Take a look at the photo above, borrowed from TERRY HOOPER's blog, COMIC BITS ONLINE.  The piccie shows Terry as a baby, sitting on his mother's lap and doing that thing that babies do so well - looking cute and loveable.  (Funny how it wears off when they become teenagers.)

As you can see, the photo has a few creases in it which somewhat spoil its pristine beauty - but wait, what's this?  It's SUPERKID with his amazing computer, able and willing to save the day.  A few minutes later, after applying a secret process known only to himself and a forgotten tribe of ancient camel breeders, the photo is restored once more to its original, brand-new appearance.

Hope ol' Terry's happy with the results.

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