Friday 23 September 2011


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Here's the second part of The PERRY RHODAN FILES, featuring more covers from his 1967 comic and some photographic stills from the movie based on the characters and concepts.  Try as I might, I can't really generate any enthusiasm for the comic - it just seems well below par.  And the movie doesn't look up to much either, to be honest.  If anyone wants to weigh in with their opinions on why ol' Perry was the greatest thing since sliced bread, then feel absolutely free.

Assuming that anyone is interested, be sure to tune in again for Part Three whenever I can't think of anything else to write about.  The blonde sure looks okay though, doesn't she?


  1. Did you ever post part 3 , I can't seem to find it in my time machine? JP

  2. Haven't yet, JP - it didn't seem to garner too much interest. Will do one day.

  3. Perry Rhodan wasn't a comic, originally (although I think one came later). It was a weekly magazine that would have an entire, novel-length story in each issue.

    There was an American translation of the first hundred or so in the 1970s, published in paperback, maybe ten of which had a British edition. It had some nice ideas but was quite variable in quality, having multiple writers.

  4. M, I readily confess that I don't know much about the character, only that which I gleaned from the folder letter and the internet, but I have to say that the comics I showcased weren't that great looking. I try (and often fail) to be quite diverse on this blog, but I found it hard to generate much interest in the character. Not only in my own case, but as you can see from the limited responses, others as well. Thanks for sharing.

  5. I was searching for information about Perry Rhodan when I came across your post. I remember buying a box of novels from a second hand market stall around 1980, I think. As a fan of all things futuristic I read them all over the summer holidays. They were, to my mind, somewhat juvenile for my tastes but there were some highlights. A race of humanoids hailing from a heavy gravity planet whose adaptations made them on average 1000 lbs, seven feet high and five feet shoulder to shoulder. Mutants abounded with amazing abilities. This was before I discovered the X men. Some good food for my imagination.

    I wasn’t aware that they were German. I may track one or two down with the extra times my hands in this strange period.

  6. Great to get yet another response to an 11 year old post, M, it makes my meagre efforts seem worthwhile. I hardly did the subject justice, but at least the images should be of interest to Perry Rhodan fans. Thanks for taking the time to comment.

  7. I'm a long time ( has letters published in #32 and #43 of the American version) follower of Perry Rhodan, and check the web for stuff on him from time to time.

    Never gt around to watching the movie, but it always seemed fun... and, yes, the blonde is striking, in that Germanic "Nico" kind of way.

  8. Thanks for commenting, WD, especially on such an old post. Nice to know that people are occasionally still reading them.

  9. Hello, Kid, I just found out that a Perry Rhodan reboot is being translated into English, ebooks only for now but it's a step in the right direction.

  10. Thanks, WD, I'm sure that's great news for fans of PR. Ta for taking the time to comment.

  11. Hey Ho, years later :-)

    After many years away from English Perry Rhodan NEO is now being published in English.

    The original series which still continues in German (& other places) is summarized here:

    And there are fans of the English run on Facebook.

    If your in the USA or use a VPN the movie is still available to stream on tubi.

  12. Thanks for the link, D, I'm sure any Perry Rhodan fans who read this blog will appreciate it if they don't already know about it.


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