Sunday 25 September 2011


Image copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Well, it made ME laugh.

(From The Beano & The Dandy Celebrate Dennis
The Menace - available now from all good bookshops.)


  1. And it made me laugh as well. As did the strip about Dennis and his dream to become a Wall of Death bike rider, which sadly ends all too abruptly. "...and my career ended here!" as he points to a skid mark sliding off his bedroom wall :)
    Actually, lots of the Dennis strips are funny - a short and sweet story with a nice punchline.

  2. Yup. They've lost the art of doing that nowadays. There's more ready laughs to be had from a dozen old Dennis strips than can be squeezed from 6 months worth of Beanos, it seems to me.


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