Friday 9 September 2011


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Okay, peeps, today we're going to re-present the first instalment of the remainder of JOURNEY Into MYSTERY #83.  Wouldn't want your lives to be incomplete now, would we?  Looking at the last page, it's clear that Mike Morgan was actually falling to his death, but the Comics Code must've objected to this grisly ending and insisted on changes.  The first clue is the caption in the 2nd panel of page 5 - "And in those last nightmarish seconds of Mike Morgan's life..." is a giveaway that he was receiving his just comeuppance.

The last two panels have clearly been re-lettered by a different hand to give the impression that he survives, and the final panel itself seems to have been altered, as the figure doesn't look like the work of DON HECK, who drew the rest of the strip.  "Guess I might as well glide down and save him..." ?  Get real - he's splattered all over the landscape by now - unless he was falling in slow motion.  Click on images to enlarge, click again for optimum size.  And, if you haven't already, be sure to see the previous post for the origin of THOR The MIGHTY!

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