Sunday 18 September 2011


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co, Ltd

Elsewhere on this blog I related the true tale of how, about a year or so ago, a friend of mine turned up at my front door one evening with a bag of comics that I'd given him 30-odd years before.  "I thought you might like these back!" he said.  Among other gems (some of which I previously told you about), the bag of goodies contained - wait for it - the first ten issues of D.C. THOMSON's STARBLAZER pocket-sized science-fiction comic-mag.

Starblazer survived for 281 issues before succumbing to the 'Death Star' of cancellation due to declining sales.  Launched in April 1979, it finally crash-landed in January 1991, but is fondly remembered by those readers who supported the title during its respectable almost twelve-year orbit.  (Hey, good at these space allusions, ain't I?!)

So, I thought you might like to see the front and back covers of those selfsame ten issues, to savour at your leisure and pleasure.  I'll show them in two instalments, so here's the first five to start things off.  Enjoy - and be sure and come back for Part Two.


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