Saturday, 20 August 2011


Art by Francisco Solano Lopez

Sadly, as recently announced on numerous other blogsites, legendary Argentine comic artist FRANCISCO SOLANO LOPEZ (born Oct 26, 1928) died on August 12th. I'll leave further biographical details to others far more knowledgeable of the man's life and career than I am; suffice it to say that comic-reading children of the '60s and '70s had their lives enriched by exposure to all the many strips that Lopez (and his assistants) illustrated in British publications of the period.
Francisco Solano Lopez.  1928 - 2011

Who can forget GALAXUS, RAVEN ON THE WINGKELLY'S EYE, JANUS STARK, ADAM ETERNO and a whole host of other classics, still fondly recalled by readers of the time? To those who experienced U.K. comics when there was a thriving industry in this country, his demise is a stark reminder that - in the words of LEWIS CARROLL"We are but older children, dear, who fret to find our bedtime near."

Alas, the sands of time are draining into the bottom half of life's hourglass - which, sadly, can't just be turned over when the final few grains have settled.


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