Friday 24 June 2011


Gene Colan (1926 - 2011)

Sad to learn that MARVEL legend GENE (The Dean) COLAN passed away on June 23rd (yesterday). Who can forget Gene's astounding artwork on DAREDEVILIRON MANDr. STRANGEDRACULA and HOWARD The DUCK, not to mention his pulse-pounding panels on DC's BATMAN and WONDER WOMAN?

I can't even begin to do full justice to his career, so click on the side-link to MARK EVANIER's blog for a worthy appreciation of the man and his work.


  1. I keep thinking I should post some kind of tribute on the Street, but I genuinely can't think of what to write. in the end, I just posted some art. there are plenty of people who are going to put it much better than I ever could. it's sad, for sure.

  2. The art speaks volumes, Joe. Remember - a picture is worth a thousand words.


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