Friday 27 May 2011


Images copyright D.C. THOMSON & Co., Ltd

Exclusive to WH SMITH and on sale now is this colour-packed celebration of 60 years of DENNIS The MENACE, priced at £4.99.  Comprised of 68 pages (including cardboard covers) and containing some of the best Dennis strips from BEANO Summer Specials down through the years, it also includes famous characters like LITTLE PLUM, The BASH STREET KIDS, BIFFO The BEAR and quite a few others.  With artwork by DAVEY LAW, DUDLEY D. WATKINS, ROBERT NIXON and the usual stable of artists.  All in all, a nice little collectors' edition which is sure to appeal to everyone, from innocent little kids full of the joys of life, to overweight slapheads who have never had a girlfriend.


  1. Just found that Smiths in Worthing haven't had it in or intend to - not even as a reserved copy for me. If this is the case then I can't see another one to follow which is a shame as the Summer Specials were lavish with their large glossy and colour pages, and deserve this celebration.

  2. Chris, I'd go back and speak to the manager. I can't see a branch of Smith's not getting in its 'own' product to sell. Doubtless you've spoken to some disinterested employee who didn't know what you were talking about and who couldn't be bothered finding out. I wouldn't accept it.

  3. Chris' comment is exactly the same sort of complaint I heard about the Egmont Specials. The sad truth is that WH Smiths is way down the list of every poll when it comes to customer service, and this is just another reason why. It's a failing endemic at almost every level of the company; when you complain to a manager, they don't seem to understand your points (or simply can't be bothered); and if you complain to head office they spout platitudes and nothing chnanges. It's a terrible shame.

  4. Smith's usually have one or two people who are specifically responsible for the comics section, so it's a good idea to find out who they are and ask them directly about anything. Although, because of the reasons you mentioned, John, it's no guarantee of satisfaction, it may help just a little.

  5. I tried the comic lead at the branch but with no luck other than reaffirmation of what their colleague had told me. I then spoke with DC Thomson's circulation department and found out that the official launch date was 1st June but some distribution had started prior to that. All stores should be getting them now plus travel outlets. Also talk of a follow up special.

  6. It's a disgrace Smith's couldn't tell you that themselves - no wonder comics sales are down. At least now you should be able to get a copy - IF they actually put it on the right shelf. Thanks for the info, Chris.

  7. "Overweight slapheads who have never had a girlfriend" ... not sure how to take that. On the chin, perhaps. But which one?!

  8. Don't panic - I had someone else in mind.


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