Friday 6 May 2011


Pencil drawing of Iron Man #150 cover

A good while back, I published an ARTWORK OMNIBUS of various pieces of art I had lying around.  I wasn't entirely happy with the way it was laid out, so I reverted it to draft it and posted the pieces individually instead.  However, I've recently managed to solve the layout difficulties and, as originally intended, now present the artwork in one single post to make them easier for you to view.  Remember, some of these pics are over 30 years old and pre-date my professional career- so please be kind.  (Updated June 11th, 2013.) 

Unused cover

Acrylic ink portrait

Parody of Amazing Fantasy #15 splash page

Acrylic ink caricature

Cartoon drawn in teenage years

Unused cartoon strip

Purchased but unpublished pin-up

Fanzine logo

B&W copy of unused colour advert proposal

Pen & acrylic ink caricature

Unfinished caricature at pencil stage

Comic strip idea

Pencil drawing done as a teenager


  1. Great stuff, Kid! That Snider-Man page cracked me up!!

  2. Thanks, glad you enjoyed it - makes it all worthwhile.


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