Friday 27 May 2011


Unused fanzine cover.  For Part Three, click here.


  1. Nice!
    (But i think that Adam might fall on the pro-pot side of the line.)

  2. Duh! Adam? You mean Eve's Adam?

  3. No - Victor's Adam, though he was named after Eve's Adam.
    Them droopy eyelids...

  4. Oh, of course. Years since I last read the book.

  5. You often hear folks complain that Frankenstein is not the monster's name, but that's not quite right, is it?
    Frankenstein was the family name, and Victor was his "father", called such repeatedly in the book. So, by rights, his name is Adam Frankenstein.
    Either way - they never seem to mention what his name actually was when they complain about what it wasn't. They leave the job half done.

  6. As Victor (or Henry in the 1931 movie) is the monster's 'father', I've always felt that it's quite legitimate to refer to him (the monster/creature) as 'Frankenstein'. Remind me so that I don't have to dig out the book - did Victor actually name him Adam, or just refer to him as 'My Adam' in an allusion to himself being, like God, a 'creator'?

  7. Hmm...
    Before you asked, i'd have automatically thought that Victor named him Adam before the decay started, when he still thought of him as the perfect first New Man. Sitting here thinking about it... I'm not so sure. I know the creature referred to himself as, or with allusion to, Adam at least a few times.
    But did Victor actually "name" his creation Adam in the book?
    It's been far too long. I'd have to find a digital version and do a word search.

  8. That's what I should do, but I'm far too lazy.


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