Wednesday 13 April 2011


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Caught your attention with that title, eh?  However, it's not entirely untrue; you may not physically be able to travel through time, but you can mentally.  Case in point: when I gaze on the above cover from 44 years ago, or - even better, thumb through the actual comic - I find my mind transported back to the month of April, in the year of our Lord, 1967.

To such an extent in fact, that it's almost as if I'm back in the house I lived in at that time; that shops which are no longer around today still exist; that friends who have since died are merely a telephone call away.  So immersed in halcyon days of yesteryear do I become that, when I look up from the comic's pages and find myself in the house I live in today, I'm almost momentarily surprised by the fact.  Anyone else ever feel the same, or am I just bonkers?

Okay, so I'm just bonkers.  Would it have hurt you to lie just this once?


  1. You're spot on - it's the reason I've never gotten rid of any of my comics (or vinyl, for that matter)...each one is a little time capsule. I could tell you where I bought any given issue, and remember other things about that time. Those sorts of mindful experiences just don't happen with an Essentials volume (or download).

    B Smith

  2. Couldn't have said it better myself. Ta.


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