Thursday 14 April 2011


Oh look - Clint Eastwood's stand-in

Here's a photo of me in 1977 with my new pal - a bendy CADBURY'S SMASH MARTIAN.  I say "new", but I may've had him for quite a few months before a friend took this picture in my back garden.  Although I remember the photo being taken, I didn't acquire it (or indeed even see it) until December of '78 when I was in Portsmouth to be best man at said-friend's wedding.

His marriage didn't last too long after that, nor, come to think of it, did our friendship.  However, I still have that self-same Smash Martian today, over 34 years later - in perfect condition too.

There's probably a moral in there somewhere, but I'll let you figure it out for yourselves.

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