Saturday 19 February 2011


Regular readers of my humble posts will have noticed the excellent LETTERS OF NOTE website in my blog list on the right-hand side of the page. Taking a leaf out of its book, here's a letter which cartoonist TERRY BAVE sent to me in response to an inaccurate (obviously) report of his demise in an issue of CRIKEY!, a magazine mainly devoted to British comics and strip cartoons.

It demonstrates Terry's wonderful sense of humour in even the most morbid circumstances, and I'm (fairly) sure he wouldn't mind me sharing it with you here.

Incidentally, Terry is still with us - Crikey! isn't.


Transcript follows:

                                                Hi Gordon,

                                                You are not the first to be taken
                                                in by that stupid 'CRIKEY' story I'm afraid.
                                                At least it's nice to see what people say about
                                                me 'after I'm gone!'

                                                All good wishes,
                                                Terry & Shiela

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