Saturday 12 February 2011


Mattel's Man In Space - but how does he go to the toilet?

1969's "giant leap for mankind" was still two years in the future when one of America's leading toy manufacturers, MATTEL, released MAJOR MATT MASON and his space-age buddies in 1967.  (The copyright date was 1966, but the toys didn't actually appear in shops 'til the following year.)  There was CALLISTO (from Jupiter), SERGEANT STORM, DOUG DAVIS, LIEUTENANT JEFF LONG and CAPTAIN LAZER, who was a giant plastic figure in contrast to the smaller rubber-and-wire bodies of Matt and his colleagues.

How embarrassing - they both turned up at the Venusian
Ambassador's ball in matching space sleds

Major Matt Mason was a brilliant toy and also a rubbish one at the same time; brilliant because it looked great and the playtime possibilities seemed unlimited due to the loads of equipment one could purchase for the astronaut.  (Moon suits, space stations, etc.)  Rubbish because the paint on the rubber bodies started to peel off within hours, and the wire inside the figures broke within days.  So perishable were they that it's a miracle any of them survived to the present day.
Storm and Davis - just good friends

However, in their time, they were the "must-have" toys of the moment, and many a childhood was brightened by its association (short-lived as it may have been) with the first man on the moon - in Mattel's universe at least.  Apparently, TOM HANKS is to star in an upcoming MAJOR MATT MASON movie.  Perhaps we'll soon see Matt and all his buddies gracing toy shop shelves once more.  Now wouldn't that be something? 

(Photos from my own personal collection.  Please excuse the dust.)


  1. :D Ive just bought Storm on a treet market, a little dirty and oily, but with a little patience it will be good as new. Or maybe I just leave him show his age with pride. but the helmet is missing.

  2. Well done on being reunited with an old friend, Manuel.

  3. Thanks for posting pics on the blog - they gave me a good painting reference for the figures eyes (my father's original isn't in the greatest shape).

    I did some cleanup on my fathers' 'Storm' (red suited figure). He always thought it was 'Major Matt Mason' as a kid. :)

    It too was missing a helmet - but I noticed the Lost In Space (1990s film) figure had a very similar looking helmet - it's opening is the exact diameter to fit any MMM figure. It's a good alternative to tracking down a vintage helmet.

    I did a recast of a vintage one for use on a custom Major 'Storm' for my father: Using a resculpted DC Universe Doctor Cold body, and a recast head, it looks great. I'll be posting some photos on my gallery in the coming weeks.

    Custom Toys & Action Figures

  4. Replica helmets are available from various sources and are practically indistinguishable from the real thing.

    Google 'Replacement Matt Mason parts' and you should be able to find out more.


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