Thursday 24 February 2011


Forget any lukewarm reviews you may have read about the new YOGI BEAR movie - it's a belter!  I was expecting to be disappointed after seeing a few indifferent and even negative responses to the film featuring everybody's favourite bruin, but I needn't have worried - it's funny, it's daft, and it's thoroughly entertaining.  I just can't understand what some critics were expecting from a movie based on a cartoon bear, but it does exactly what it says on the tin.  It's called YOGI BEAR - and that's precisely what you get.  What more could anyone want?

Go and see it NOW!  And don't take your eyes off Yogi.

Yogi and Boo Boo from the movie

Above: The poster and comicbook adaptation of Yogi's first big screen adventure. (1964.)

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