Tuesday 18 January 2011



Whenever I try to access the GRANTBRIDGE STREET blog, I get diverted to a notice telling me that the site contains "inappropriate content" (I've never noticed any - isn't it about comics?) and asking me if I want to continue.  However many times I answer in the affirmative, absolutely nothing happens and I remain in limbo.  This is a fairly recent development as I never used to have any trouble accessing the blog.  Anyone know what's going on?

(Update: Problem now solved.  Nothing a change of provider couldn't fix.)


  1. alright, kid? Joe here. yeah, I got told off by Blogger for posting tits on the blog, something I've done before, with no problems, but, apparently, nekkid lady bits are now deemed "objectionable," and now you have to go through an adult warning notice before you can access it. the blog's still very much up & running, though, mate. I can't for the life of me understand why you wouldn't be able to get in. so far, nobody else has reported the problem - at least, not to me. wouldn't have anything to do with your computer's settings, would it? not that I know anything about computer settings, but I'm wondering if your search engine thingie is set to "safe" and that's stopping you from going any further. just an ill-educated guess. if it persists, isn't there any way you can contact blogger to find out why you can't enter? most perplexing. please, let me know how you get on, fella.

  2. I assume someone's complained about some of the more nipplesome content of Joe's blog. I get the notice too when I go there, but when I click on the, "I'm an adult and can cope with such naughty things," button, I have no problems getting through to the blog. Have you tried it with a different browser?

  3. Thanks, lads. I'm not too computer-literate, but I'll explore the options when I get a chance.


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