Thursday 9 December 2010


Delbert Dalek

This poor unwanted DALEK was left abandoned in a state of neglect at the side of a busy road, along with some other items of rubbish awaiting collection.  He was found in a sad and confused state, not understanding what was happening, and completely unaware of the fate which awaited him.  Obviously his owners had got bored with him and could no longer be bothered looking after the affectionate and friendly alien.  Fortunately, a kindly passerby noticed his distress and rescued him (and his control unit) from the street, and passed him into the hands of a "rescue shelter" for unwanted toys.  (Everyone say "Aaahh!")

With a bit of love and attention (his missing half-sphere was recreated and replaced, and he received a two-battery transplant), he was restored to fully-working condition.  He merrily screams "EXTERMINATE!" and other catchphrases at the drop of a hat, doubtless having learned them from his previous cruel and heartless owners.  "Staff" have christened him DELBERT and have grown so fond of the lovable scamp that they've decided to adopt him.


(Amazing, isn't it?  A £100 toy, discarded because of two dead batteries.  Wish I had that kind of dosh to throw away!  Well - their loss is my gain.  Thanks to Tom C  for 'phoning to ask if I wanted a deserted Dalek that someone had dumped in his street.)


  1. My own remote control dalek's sat by my laptop right now and approves completely of this post. Well, I think he does. He keeps shouting, "Seek, locate, annihilate!" and then, "Exterminate!" which I take as his way of showing approval.

  2. I'm sure he means it in an ironic way, Steve. You know what a sense of humour those Daleks have.

  3. He's a cheeky little chappy, that's for sure.

    Assuming daleks are male, of course.

  4. Bound to be - superior race, remember.

  5. the mind boggles that someone would actually throw away a perfectly good dalek just because the batteries stopped working. Some people just throw money away. Tsk-tsk... But very nice work on restoring your new dalek.

  6. And he's got quite a few Dalek pals to keep him company. Thanks, Doc.


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