Wednesday 1 December 2010


What can I say?  VENUS - in Roman mythology the goddess of love; in the 21st Century the well-fit doctor of medicine burd from FIREBALL XL5 that lucky pilot STEVE ZODIAC is probably... well, you know.  Yeah, probably.  I don't think I like Steve all that much any more, but I still have to admire his taste.  Though for all I know, she might well have had a thing for PROFESSOR MATTHEW MATTIC - but that's just sick!  (Venus - h'mm.  Well, I would - wouldn't you?)


  1. I've heard Steve was seeing Marina from Stingray behind her back.....

  2. I'm beginning to get worried about just how many puppets I found attractive when I was a boy - Venus, Atlanta, Marina, Zoony - oops! Scratch that last one. And what about Captain Scarlet's Angels? Wowzah!


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