Thursday 2 December 2010



...SURFBOARD!  Well, almost naked.  Seems that MARVEL couldn't quite make up its mind about the bold NORRIN RADD.  When he first appeared (in The FANTASTIC FOUR #48) he was trunkless, but shortly thereafter he started sporting a natty pair of swimming trunks to hide his - what exactly?  Couldn't have been his modesty because he'd nothing on display (thank goodness) and, apart from a barely discernible outline around his nether-regions, trunks made absolutely no difference to his appearance.  (And, when he did wear them, were they supposed to be over or under his cosmic coating?  We deserve to know.)

Anyway, here's three more cataclysmic covers from ol' Surfie's magnificent mag back in the '60s - enjoy!  Only another eleven SILVER SURFER covers to go for the full set - stay tuned.

(And for those of you who thought you were visiting some other kind of site - SHAME ON YOU!  What would your mother think?)

1 comment:

  1. Ho-ho, Gordie. You're a right laugh and no mistake! (Your doppelganger from Earth 21.)


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