Thursday 16 December 2010


'Mr. Velvet' - Jim Reeves

If you're looking to relax, unwind, and get into the Christmas spirit (no, we're not talking alcohol), here's probably the best way to do it.  Find yourself a copy of the JIM REEVES' 12 SONGS OF CHRISTMAS CD, then kick back your feet and let the velvet-voiced King of Country crooners melt all your troubles away.  Described as having a voice like "someone who walks through snow but leaves no footprint", this is the best Christmas album of all time.  First issued in 1963, it's been a perennial favourite ever since.

You'll probably have to track down the original CD on the Internet, but the 12 Christmas songs are on an album called The JIM REEVES CHRISTMAS SONGBOOK, which mixes them with some of his gospel songs (slightly diluting the pure Christmas effect in my opinion).  Never mind, this can be overcome by programming your CD player to play only the 12 Yuletide tracks - available now at your local HMV store.

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