Thursday 25 November 2010


Pencils by Jack Kirby.  Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

Following on from the previous post, here are a few more examples of the difference that colour (or, to be more precise, choice of colour) can make to a printed page. The first example, above, is how the cover of JOURNEY Into MYSTERY #83 would have looked (more or less) back in 1962. Compare it against the much brighter, recoloured version from the first printing of MARVEL MASTERWORKS Vol. 181991/ '92.  (Note: A far superior version, more faithful to the original, appears in the recent softcover edition of THOR MASTERWORKS.)

Inks by Joe Sinnott

Now compare both of them to TOM CHU's version (below), reproduced in the TALES Of ASGARD hardcover volume, which also reprints J.I.M. #83's origin. (Unfortunately, despite the superb colouring, the art has been retouched in places, having been restored from the reprint in THOR #158.  For a more faithful reprint of this classic story, see the softcover MASTERWORKS edition, referred to above.)

Colours by Tom Chu


  1. As pointed out by your good self, the Mighty Matt Milla's colouring job on the recent 6 issue Tales of Asgard reprint is STUNNING. As is his recolouring of Thor's debut tale in J.I.M #83 - 3D indeed. I wonder what other vintage stuff he's coloured. Someone should interview this bloke.

    McRonson aka El Sloano.

  2. Those stone men are supposed to be green!

    That's the problem I have with this whole 're-doing" thing across similar media - the whole "oh, we'll fix this up so that it's better" attitude. Chum, it was fine the first time around...that's probably the reason it's being reprinted in the first place!

    *grumble grumble*

    B Smith


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