Wednesday, 3 November 2010


Neither shaken nor stirred

I've recently received loads of emails (okay - three, to be honest) asking me to show an up-to-date photo of myself.  I'd like to think SALMA HAYEK was one of them (using an assumed name), but they're probably some blue-rinse grannies in their eighties.

So, in an effort to give my panting public what they ask for, here's a photo of me taken about a week ago.  Yes, that is all my own hair, even though it looks a bit 'wiggy' in the picture.  Hopefully, the BOND producers will see it and give me a call if that ugly little blond guy who looks like a monkey isn't available for the next movie.

However, I'm left to wonder why those three people (or maybe one person with three aliases) thought any of the other photos of me which appear on this blog were out of date.  Must be my youthful good looks, obviously.  (Though you should see the portrait in my attic.)  I'm so glad I swapped that issue of The HULK #5 for the little phial of elixir that TYRANNUS was carrying when I ran into him a few years back.

I now return you to the real world.


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