Sunday 24 October 2010


May I present a few logos I lettered relatively recently?  Everything is done freehand - apart from a ruler for the horizontal pencil guidelines before inking.  Feel perfectly free to tell me how talented I am, whether you mean it or not.  Hey, I don't care - compliments are compliments, sincere or otherwise.


  1. And I sat and watched you do the "..Horse Called War" freehand in about five minutes or so, at a cafe table with just a Biro. Chuffin' brilliant. Why aren't you on the Richard Starkings payroll?

    El Sloano aka McRonson.

  2. Probably because he's in America and I'm in Scotland - and perhaps also because it can be done on computer in about 2 minutes these days. Thanks for the compliment 'though.

  3. modern day aphrodite14 December 2010 at 14:53

    El Sloano aka McRonson giving out compliments?

    Well well!


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