Tuesday 21 September 2010


The late ARCHIE GOODWIN was one of nature's finest gentlemen.  He's probably as much a legend for being nice as he is for being one of the greatest writers and editors that ever graced the comics medium.  I was fortunate enough to once spend a pleasant evening in the company of Archie and his just-as-nice wife, ANN - along with famous Scottish man-about-town, JOHN McSHANE - a few years before Archie passed away, enjoying a pleasant meal and some entertaining conversation into the bargain.

Archie was modest and unassuming, and a joy to be with.  He looked much younger than his years, despite having suffered from the illness which eventually claimed his life much too soon.  It's been said that if you look up the word "nice" in the dictionary, you'll find a picture of Archie smiling back at you.

Here's to you, Archie - wherever you may be.

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