Monday 2 August 2010


Copyright relevant owner

Here's another fine example of RON EMBLETON artwork - the cover to the very first TV CENTURY 21 ANNUAL from 1965 (for 1966).  When the weekly comic paper first debuted, STINGRAY was the newest GERRY ANDERSON show then-currently on TV, essentially making it the 'starring' strip of the publication.  (Though, with the LADY PENELOPE strip, the comic was already preparing the ground for THUNDERBIRDS as the upcoming main feature.)

Thinking about it, artists like RON EMBLETONFRANK HAMPSON, DON LAWRENCE, and FRANK BELLAMY were very much the ALEX ROSSes of their day.  Don'tcha think?

To see the 1967 Annual, click here.

1 comment:

  1. Excellent cover and worth a comment saying so, even if I have to do it myself.


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