Saturday 24 July 2010


Lucky I've got non-slip hands - or I might've been slapped on the kipper

Look at my face in the above photograph - you're right - I can't believe my luck!  A real, live, pretty girl - and I've got my arm around her.  Look - you can see I've almost fainted from the shock.  Unfortunately, I wasn't allowed to take her home as she was a friend of the person who took the photograph - but I put "real, live, pretty girl" at the top of my Christmas list to Santa that year. 

I was so impressed by her that I drew a caricature of her from memory, but lazy loafer that I am, I never got around to inking or colouring it.  Maybe one day...

1 comment:

  1. What a brilliant cartoonist and caricaturist you are, even if I say it myself. (And I just have.)


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