Friday 23 July 2010


STRONTIUM DOG and related characters copyright REBELLION

Nearly 25 years ago, as the lettering artist of 2000 A.D.'s STRONTIUM DOG, I decided to have a go - purely for my own amusement - at drawing ol' JOHNNY ALPHA in the style of the strip's artist and co-creator, CARLOS EZQUERRA.

A few years later, 2000 A.D.'s then assistant editor ALAN McKENZIE bought it for possible publication in one of the reprint mags, as the page size would accommodate the dimensions I'd drawn it in.  (When I'd first drawn it, 2000 A.D. was of the same scale, but changed not too long after.)

However, I don't know if it was ever published - so here it is, perhaps for the very first time anywhere.  Remember, it was drawn a long time ago, so please be gentle.


  1. I like it - you've even got Mr. E's chunky inking on the outline.

    You should speak to the Dogbreath boys about getting it into print.

  2. Thank you, sir. Unfortunately, the knees are a bit too "Curt Swan/Murphy Anderson" 'though. Maybe I'll redraw it properly one day.

  3. I would have bet money on that being Carlos ' s work ! I used to say NOBODY else could do justice to SD . I was wrong . ( and yeah , I'm STILL going through all your old posts ! Gotta catch 'em all !! )

  4. I'm going through them myself, trying to correct the odd layouts and sentence breaks that resulted from changing my blog's template design. I think I'll be a while.


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