Thursday 22 July 2010


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A couple of years or so back, I purchased The BIG BUMPER BOOK Of LOOK & LEARN (published by CENTURY).  I didn't buy the mag when I was a child (though I did for a time in the mid-'70s as a teenager), but its presence was everywhere; schools, libraries, doctors' and dentists' waiting rooms and the like, and it was certainly a quality magazine.  As well as the book, a new series of LOOK & LEARN was also published as a limited, 48 issue subscription, with binders also available.

Recently, I bought the set - and what a treasure it is!  Many of the paintings are truly astounding, being by the likes of top illustrators of the day - like EMBLETON, LAWRENCE, HOWAT, PAYNE, etc.  What's more, although it originally appeared in RANGER magazine, the legendary TRIGAN EMPIRE is reprinted from its first episode - as it originally appeared.  On top of all that, if you purchase the set, it comes with a faithful facsimile of the original 1962 issue of Look & Learn #1 - complete with free gift.

Go on - recapture those long-ago, vanished days of your youth, and order the set - with binders - of a true classic that graced the newsagents' shelves for a good 20 years.  You know it makes sense.

Details can be found at - click on now.

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