Tuesday 20 July 2010


Me and Big Ben - December 23rd 1987

Some years back, I saw some collectable toys advertised in EXCHANGE & MART.  I duly sent off a cheque for the required amount and sat back to await my treasures - they never came.  I contacted the seller, and it was clear from his evasiveness that he'd never had the items to begin with.  Being Scottish, I'll travel miles to recover a shilling, so London was no distance.  Faster than you can say 'speeding bullet', I was down there to recover my money from said shady seller and to inform him of the error of his ways.

Did I recover my money?  Is SALMA HAYEK a goddess?  Of course I did!  And what did the would-be conman get from the encounter?  I'll leave that up to your imagination - but he wouldn't have been smiling for a while. 

One up for the good guys I'd say.

1 comment:

  1. Sigh! My hero! (Hey, it's no crime to hold yourself in high esteem.)


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