Saturday 17 July 2010


Images copyright MARVEL COMICS

I just had to print this cover of the very first FANTASTIC ANNUAL from 1967 (for '68), which features a stunning painted version of the splash page for JIM #83 (see previous post).  I could be wrong, but it looks like the artist (anyone know who he is?) has traced (or merely painted over) a stat of the page, because the style of JACK KIRBY still manages to shine through.  (Compare it with Jack and Joe Sinnot's version below.)  Anyone else as impressed as I am?

The annual has some great strips - 'I USED TO BE... HUMAN!' being but one - and is well-worth having in your collection.  There were three Fantastic annuals in all, and they shouldn't be too hard to track down on eBay for those who are interested in acquiring them.

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