Sunday 18 July 2010


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Just for fun, I thought readers might like to see the cover and some interior panels from the 1969 SMASH! HOLIDAY SPECIAL.  Although I was disappointed when SMASH! stopped featuring MARVEL reprints, I have to admit that I liked the relaunched version almost as much.

A few years ago, GIL PAGE, who was the editor of the new SMASH!, wrote an article at my request about his life in comics.  It was intended for publication in The ILLUSTRATED COMIC JOURNAL, of which I was assistant editor, but the magazine changed hands and then faded into obscurity without the article ever seeing print.

Fortunately, CRIKEY! stepped into the breach and published the article in issue #5.  So, for an interesting read about the background of SMASH! (and other fascinating, never-before revealed reminiscences by Gil - who went on to become the executive editor of the FLEETWAY/IPC comics division), track down a back issue of CRIKEY! #5 as soon as possible.  Life's not complete without it.

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