Wednesday 21 July 2010



ROBERT DE NIRO as the FRANKENSTEIN MONSTER?  Don't make me laugh!  There's only one person who ever pulled off that gig, and that's KARLOFF The UNCANNY!  Boris - or as he was known to his pals - BILL PRATT (his given name being William Henry Pratt) - has never been bettered in his portrayal of the much-misunderstood and maligned monster, in my famously humble opinion.  (Though GLENN STRANGE & LON CHANEY Jr. gave honourable impersonations.  The less said about poor BELA LUGOSI's portrayal, the better.)

Regarding the image below, I originally drew the face freehand (using a photo as reference) back in around 1981/82.  Back in 1985 I was contributing to HUGH CAMPBELL's fanzine, FUSION, and I decided to knock up a cover for it.  I hand-lettered the logo, added some Letratone, drew the shoulders, then cut out a photocopy of my drawing of the head and stuck it down.  (I wasn't drawing all that again.)  The scan below comes from a poor photocopy of the original finished cover.

I can't recall if I ever sent it to Hugh (perhaps Fusion had folded before I got around to it), but it was never printed.  You're seeing it here for the very first time. (Actually, I'd previously used the head to do a cover for RON BENNETT's catalogue, SKYRACK's FANTASY TRADER, but I never got around to sending that either.)

Art & logo by Kid Robson

1 comment:

  1. No comments in 14 years? Anybody out there with some taste and discernment? (Who said they're all off visiting other people's blogs? Cheek!)


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