Sunday 31 January 2010


A ruthless, emotionless, deadly lifeform - and a Dalek

Hi, I'm Kid Robson - I used to contribute to loads of comics between 1985 and 2000.  The purpose of this blog is to talk about all things relating to the wonderful world of comicbooks - and beyond!  Feel free to leave a comment.  And look below - my very first follower.  (Or is it the other way around?)


  1. Welcome to the world of Blogging, mate.

    Looking forward to reading your stuff.

    Best Wishes,

  2. Hi Tim,

    Sorry for the delay in replying. Someone once created a blog for me which I never use, but this is another one I created myself and then promptly forgot about. I only rediscovered it by accident. I'm not convinced I've got anything to say that anyone would be interested in reading, but I'll give it a go.

    Best regards.


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appear only if approved. Remember - no guts, no glory.

I reserve the right to edit comments to remove swearing or blasphemy, and in instances where I consider certain words or
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